St. Joseph High School (Mountain View, California) Sports Hall of Fame

Founded in October 2019, the Hall of Fame honors the coaches and outstanding student-athletes who helped make Intramural and Interscholastic sports programs successful during their seminary days. The Hall of Fame is sponsored by the St. Joseph-St. Patrick’s Alumni Association.

Selection of athletes for possible induction is carried out by the Sports Hall of Fame committee, comprised of several current Alumni Board members, and augmented by recommendations from former coaches. Nominees approved by a vote of the entire Alumni Board of Governors are then enshrined.

If you wish to nominate a former athlete who:

  1. graduated from St. Joe’s;

  2. played at least two varsity interscholastic sports;

  3. played at an elite level in a single varsity interscholastic sport;

  4. or was an outstanding intramural competitor (prior to 1967),

please contact committee members Mike Sheehan H’71 at, or Pat Cloherty R’64 at


How We Got Here

In May 2018, Mike Davis H’72 and Mike Sheehan H’71 were playing golf together, and having just so-so rounds. After hitting an errant drive off the 10th tee, Mike Davis turned, shook his head, sighed deeply and said, “Remember when we were good athletes.” Those of you who play golf know the game can sometimes make you utter those kinds of things – and much worse. Mike Sheehan replied, “Too bad there’s no way to prove it.” And Mike Davis added, “Yeah, like a seminary hall of fame.” They both laughed, and finished their rounds without mentioning it again.

However, as a member of the Alumni Association Board of Governors, Mike Sheehan soon started thinking that Mike Davis’ suggestion might be a good one, and possibly a way to get more alums involved with the Association. The idea was presented at the next Board meeting and greeted with enthusiasm. So, ironically, the St. Joseph High School Sports Hall of Fame came into being partly as the result of a lousy golf shot.

In addition, as it turned out, Mike Sheehan was incorrect to say, “Too bad there’s no way to prove it.” The good news is that induction into the St. Joe’s Sports Hall of Fame means that guys now have hard evidence that they actually were the great athletes and folk heroes they think they are. Like the Scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz – he was already smart, but just needed a diploma to prove it.